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Where We Began

75 years ago, John Tome watched with sadness as his co-workers lost homes, cars, and furnishings to lenders during a work stoppage at Fisher Auto Body. After learning that there wasn’t a credit union for workers to turn to in their time of need, John contacted Tom Eno, president of UAW Local 602, and suggested that they organize a credit union of their own.


How We Got Here

On January 8th, 1949 charter #6016 was granted to the Lansing Fisher Federal Credit Union. Each of the original members subscribed to one, $5.00 share of the cooperative, securing their financial future and a voice in the Credit Union. Many of the original members who worked at Fisher Body took advantage of the “payroll deduction system,” which consisted of John walking the factory floor taking deposits in a steel lunch pail with all records kept by hand! At the end of 1950, the Credit Union had 301 members and assets totaled $16,709.66 ($164,373.13 as adjusted for inflation).

The credit union operated out of Tome’s home for many years until Auto Body Credit Union moved to a building at 320 Clare Street. In 1981, Auto Body Credit Union merged with Co-Op Credit Union of Lansing, establishing two locations, and in 1986, a third branch was started. In 2008, Auto Body Credit Union merged with Auto Body Workers Credit Union of Ionia and gained its first branch in Ionia County, MI.


Our Vision

To make a meaningful contribution towards improving the financial health and wellbeing of the communities we serve.


Our Mission

To empower financial health and wellbeing in the communities we serve.


Our Name through the Years

As the credit union has grown and changed, so has our name:

1-8-49 Lansing Fisher Federal Credit Union
4-1-49 Lansing Fisher Employees Federal Credit Union
6-5-56 Auto-Body Employees Federal Credit Union
6-21-65 Auto Body Federal Credit Union
1-12-68 Auto Body Credit Union (no longer federally chartered)
4-4-11 Astera Credit Union



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